In 1995 IEMA, based on the extensive material acquired and experience already collected, inaugurated a special project concerning Music Information in Greece aiming to:
• Collect information on Greek music life
• Give response to information requests from institutions or people
• Document and promote Greek Music
• Promote new music creation
• Organize activities concerning music information
• Publish music newsletters
- 1998 GMIC is formed as a separate department of IEMA through which documentation, information and development activities are realized.
- 2000 Information availability on the Internet through the server of the Greek ministry of Culture. Creation of the Greek Music Portal.
- 2001 A network of important music institutions is founded (where IEMA/GMIC plays an important role) for cooperation on music development in Greece. Distribution of electronic newsletters.
- 2002 GMIC is the developer of the framework of the national project “Digitalization and Promotion of Greek Music Heritage”. Participation and member application on the International Association of Music Information Centers (IAMIC).
- 2003 ΙΕΜΑ becomes a member of IAMIC (International Association of Music Information Centres) and of ECPNM (European Conference of Promoters of New Music). The program Polimnia starts
- 2004 The "Information Society" approves the program "Creation of a digital archive of Newer Greek Music" and "Creation of DVD-ROM and specialised web site dedicated to Greek Music", of a total budget of 650.000 Euros.